Molenaar Holding BV

Holding Company for Partnership in Trading & Finance

The Holding Company is a type of business that deals specifically with assets, investments and management, sometimes with selling in order or providing goods and services with a view to making a profit from production and sales. The Holding company will be limited by shares and its main activities will involve owning assets in another company (or many companies), such as shares, intellectual property and real property. We keep an eye on the supervision and management of other companies. The Holding Company also works in order of private persons.

Miller International Trading Solutions BV, Denekamp – NL
J.G.Molenaar, Private Entrepreneur - Denekamp – NL

Former relations:
HIMEX Logistics BV, Oldenzaal BV- NL -- company sold 1-st July 2014
HIMEX Trading & Consulting BV- NL --- company closed 31-12-2015

For further information see our website

Owner & Director: Jan G. Molenaar